
Zeon Invests in Knowledge Palette to Develop AI Drug Discovery Technology

Zeon has recently invested in Knowledge Palette, a company which develops AI drug discovery technology using single-cell transcriptome analysis. Knowledge Palette applies the world’s most accurate single-cell transcriptome analysis technology (Quartz-Seq2) to acquire large-scale data on the state of disease-causing cells. By using this information and AI technology to elucidate the causes of disease outbreaks, the company aims to efficiently...

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Tokyo Materials Posts Business Results, Synthetic Rubber Sales up 22%

Zeon group company Tokyo Materials reported net sales of 54.09 billion yen ($376 million), up 14.8% year-on-year, ordinary income of 2.57 billion yen, up 4.5%, and net income of 1.89 billion yen, up 11.6% for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023. In the same period, although there were signs of movement toward normalization of economic activities due to progress...

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Zeon to Raise Prices of HNBR and Other Products From July 1

Zeon said that it will raise the selling price of synthetic rubbers starting from deliveries on July 1. The price increase applies to HNBR (hydrogenated nitrile rubber), ZSC (hydrogenated nitrile rubber alloy), and CM (rubber compound). The price increase for HNBR and ZSC is 40 yen ($0.28) per kilogram, while the price for CM will be revised in accordance with...

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Zeon’s Tokuyama Plant Participates in Blue Carbon Offset Credit Scheme

Zeon’s Tokuyama Plant in Shunan City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, participated in the Blue Carbon Offset Credit System utilizing J Blue Credits certified and issued by the Japan Blue Economy Association (JBE). In recent years, blue carbon has been attracting attention as a CO2 sink, and efforts to preserve and restore blue carbon ecosystems are underway in many areas. One such example...

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Zeon Recognized as Excellent Corporation for Health Management

Zeon has been recognized by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Japan Health Council as an Excellent Health Management Corporation (Large-Scale Corporation category). The Excellent Corporation for Health Management certification system recognizes corporations that practice particularly excellent health management based on their efforts to address local health issues and the promotion of health promoted by the...

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City of Kawasaki Joins Global Carbon Neutrality Initiative in Joint Effort With Zeon, Others

The city of Kawasaki, Kanagawa, has voiced its support for the World Economic Forum’s Transitioning Industrial Clusters Towards Net Zero Initiative, and is set to take part in this initiative via the “Kawasaki Carbon Neutral Industrial Complex.” Kawasaki becomes the first city in Japan to join this global initiative, and will in doing so collaborate with private companies such as...

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