Tokai Carbon Co. Ltd. (TYO:5301) has positioned its carbon black business as a major base of revenue within T-2021, a new medium-term management plan set to run from 2019 to 2021. Under this plan, Tokai Carbon’s carbon black business is projected to generate 124 billion yen for 2021, up from a 115.3 billion projection for 2019. Operating profit from the...
tokai carbon
Tokai Carbon to Cover US Environmental Facility Investment Cost With Price Hike on Carbon Black
Tokai Carbon Co. Ltd. (TYO:5301) will pass on the investment cost for environmental provisions made at its U.S. base to its price of carbon black. The company is negotiating the price for the next fiscal year and plans to transfer the additional cost to the sale price as a surcharge. The U.S. carbon black market has faced tightening environmental regulations...
Price Hikes Set for Synthetic Rubber, Carbon Black and More
Synthetic rubber, carbon black and a range of other raw materials have entered into a major period of price rises. This comes as price spikes for crude oil and naphtha – as well as the rising costs of distribution – place increasing pressure on companies in the industry. In synthetic rubber, industry leader JSR Corp. (TYO:4185) has announced that it...
Tokai Carbon Set to Hugely Outperform Targets From T-2018 Management Plan
Tokai Carbon Co. Ltd. (TYO:5301) appears likely to significantly exceed targets set under T-2018, the company’s medium-term management plan slated to end this fiscal year after a three-year run. Coming as a result of increased product prices and other such factors, the company now expects to post annual figures far above its initial targets of 110 billion yen ($990.23 million)...
Tokai Carbon Moves to Boost Capacity, Open up Global Market With New US Acquisition
Carbon black manufacturer Tokai Carbon Co. Ltd. (TYO:5301) announced on June 26 that it has concluded an agreement to acquire all shares in U.S.-based carbon black manufacturer Sid Richardson Carbon Ltd. (SRC) and its affiliates SRCG Ltd. and New SRCG Genpar LLC. Tokai Carbon is set to pay a total of 34.1 billion yen ($308.74 million) for the acquisition, which...
Tokai Carbon Expects Strong Business Performance to Continue
Carbon black manufacturer Tokai Carbon Co. Ltd. (TYO:5301) is enjoying strong business performance, with recently posted business results showing drastic increases to the company’s sales and profits. Sales for the year through December 2017 were up 19.9 percent from the previous year. Meanwhile, operating profit rose by 915.1 percent, ordinary profit by 678.3 percent, and net profit increased by approximately...