price increase

Tsurumi Chemical to Raise Prices of All Sulfur Products on April 1

Tsurumi Chemical will raise the prices of all sulfur products for shipments on April 1. The price increase is 8 yen ($0.05) per kilogram for soluble sulfur and 3 yen per kilogram for insoluble sulfur. “In addition to an increase in procurement costs due to a change in suppliers following the withdrawal of our main raw material supplier from business,...

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Kuraray Raises Prices of Septon and Other Products Globally

Kuraray has raised prices globally for hydrogenated styrenic thermoplastic elastomers Septon, Hybrar, and TU-Polymer, effective for shipments on February 1. The price increase is $0.33 per kilogram. Regarding the price increase, the company said, “In addition to the price of key raw materials, the increase in various costs, including utility and logistics costs and repair costs, is beyond the scope...

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Pirelli Japan to Raise Prices of in Japan Starting March 1

Pirelli Japan announced that it will raise the prices of its Japanese domestic after-market tires starting March 1. The price increases will be applied to all product categories and brand lines, with an average increase of 5%. The price increase for summer and all-season passenger car and SUV tires will take effect on March 1. Winter passenger car and SUV...

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Michelin Japan to Increase Prices From Next February

Michelin Japan will revise the prices of its Michelin and BF Goodrich brand tires for the Japanese domestic market starting February 1, 2025. The price increases will cover passenger cars, light truck tires (summer and winter), motorcycle tires, truck and bus tires (summer and winter), and tubes and flaps, with an average increase of 5-8%. “Despite our efforts to improve...

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Kuraray Raises Prices of Septon and Other Elastomers

Kuraray will raise the prices of its hydrogenated styrenic thermoplastic elastomers Septon and Hybrar as well as TU polymers globally, beginning with shipments on October 15. The price increase is $0.22 per kilogram. Regarding the price increase, the company said, “The increase in costs for the subject products, including key raw materials, utility and logistics costs, and repair costs, is...

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Maxell Kureha to Raise Prices of All Products, Including Rubber Sheets

Maxell Kureha will raise the prices of all its products, including rubber sheets, by 5-20% from September 2, 2024. This will be the company’s first price revision since March 2023. The company said that, in addition to the successive increases in raw material prices, the main reasons for the price hikes are the sharp rise in electricity, gas, and other...

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