Sumitomo Riko Co. Ltd. (TYO:5191) has reported that sales for the second quarter of the fiscal year ending March 2017 declined due to a negative impact of currency exchange rates caused by a strong yen. However, operating profit rose on the back of a sales volume increase mainly in North America, China and other Asian countries, positive effects of restructuring...

Sumitomo Riko Forms Kyoshokai, Strengthening Ties With Dealers in China
Sumitomo Riko Co. Ltd. (TYO:5191) has recently set up “Kyoshokai,” a distributors conference for Sumiriko Industrial Products Shanghai Co. Ltd., the company’s industrial hose sales subsidiary based in Shanghai, China. Kyoshokai has been established with the aim of gathering dealers that market Sumitomo Riko-branded products, provide them with information about new products and other company news, and to share market...
Rubber Goods Production for August Shows Upward Momentum
Shipment value of rubber products made a slight year-on-year increase in August, moving up 0.8 percent to 163 billion yen ($1.55 billion), according to records collated by Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). Although the shift was of only a small degree, it represents the first year-on-year improvement in 14 months. Broken down by product type, the production...
High-Pressure Hoses Recover on Construction Equipment, up 12% for August
Production and shipment of high-pressure hoses are recovering, according to records compiled by the Japan Rubber Hose Manufacturers Association based on Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) statistics. August production rose 12.6 percent year-on-year to 313 tons, while the value of shipments rose 10.8 percent to 1.293 billion yen ($12.44 million). High pressure hoses are largely used in construction...
Hose Assemblies Sales Drop to 29.68 Billion Yen in First Half
Sales of hose assemblies fell 6 percent year-on-year to 29.677 billion yen in the first half of 2016, according to the Japan Hose Coupling Association (JHCA). By category, industrial rubber hoses fell 6 percent, automotive rubber hoses declined 5 percent, and plastic hoses were down 6 percent. For June, total sales fell 5 percent year-on-year to 5.482 billion yen, the...
Rubber Hose Production and Shipping Down for May, Declining Two Months in a Row
Combined rubber hose production (new rubber) for May was 2,446 tons, a 6.6 percent decrease over previous years, while shipping revenue for the month dropped 2.6 percent to 9.8 billion yen ($96 million), according to records collated by the Japan Rubber Hose Manufacturers Association based on statistics from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). Both production and shipping...