Denka and SCG Chemicals (SCGC, headquartered in Bangkok, Thailand), a wholly owned subsidiary of Siam Cement, have decided to establish a joint venture company to manufacture and sell acetylene black and to construct an acetylene black production plant in Thailand. The investment amount is $400 million and the plant will be located in Map Ta Phut in Rayong Province. Construction...
Denka Posts Declining Sales and Profits in First Quarter
In the first quarter of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024 (April-June 2023), chemical and rubber manufacturer Denka’s sales fell 6.9% year-on-year to 87.82 billion yen ($603.63 million), operating income fell 43.0% to 2.79 billion yen, ordinary income fell 53.7% to 2.38 billion yen, and net income fell 47.1% to 2.29 billion yen. By segment, the Elastomers & Infrastructure...
Denka Signs United Nations Global Compact
Denka signed a statement of support for the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), and was registered as a participating company as of June 8. At the same time, the company joined the Global Compact Network Japan, a local network of the UNGC in Japan. The UNGC is the world’s largest sustainability initiative, which aims to build a healthy global society...
Pipe Ruptures at Denka’s Chloroprene Rubber Manufacturing Facility
On June 14, Denka announced that a pipe burst during maintenance work at a manufacturing facility in its Aomi Plant in Itoigawa City, Niigata Prefecture. The cause of the accident is under investigation. The chloroprene rubber (CR) manufacturing facility where the accident occurred has been shut down, and the other lines are partially operating under the safety priority. Customers will...
Denka and Transform Materials to Establish Low-Carbon Acetylene Chain
Denka has decided to conduct joint research with Transform Materials (TM), an American venture company, and to introduce facilities developed by TM for the purpose of establishing technology to realize low-carbon production of acetylene. The companies held a signing ceremony on May 23. Under its eight-year management plan Mission 2030, which started in fiscal 2023, Denka aims to achieve 100%...
Denka to Raise Prices of Performance Plastics
Denka has announced a price increase of more than 30 yen ($0.22) per kilogram for ABS resin, Denka IP, Denka Transparent Polymers and Clearen, effective from May 1 deliveries. The products affected are Denka AS, Denka ABS, Denka chemical resistance ABS SR series, Denka ABS compounds glass-fibre reinforced, sliding, PC alloy, among others, Denka heat-resistant ABS Malecca, Denka IP, Denka...