
Amid Global Stagnation, Tosoh’s CR Business Finds Opportunities in India

Chemical manufacturer Tosoh Corp. (TYO:4042) saw a slight year-on-year decline through March of this year on the sales volume of its chloroprene rubber (CR) business. On the back of a weak Japanese yen, the company had hoped domestically to see a rebound in the number of produced automobiles. However, such numbers remained stagnant from the previous term. CR is used...

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Toyo Retread Gets Sales Boost From Availability of Tire Casings

Toyo Retread recorded its all-time highest production volumes and best ever sales last year at its factory in Otaru, Hokkaido. An important reason for this was that tire casings – the base material for retreaded tires – could be easily obtained. Tire casings have become more readily available because of an increase in the number of factories manufacturing new tires...

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Sagami Rubber Boasts Strong Sales of 0.01mm PU Condoms

Sagami Rubber Industries Co. Ltd. (TYO:5194) is making good sales on its polyurethane condoms despite being priced twice as high as their latex counterparts. The polyurethane product features superior thinness and strength, reassuring consumers and contributing to expanded sales. Approximately 70 percent of Sagami Rubber’s sales are from condoms. Ultra-thin polyurethane condoms (0.01mm thick) have been selling especially well ever...

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Elastomix’s Overseas Strategy in the Rubber Refining Industry – China

Elastomix Co. Ltd., the largest manufacturer and refiner of rubber in Japan and majority-owned by JSR Corp. (TYO:4185), predicts there will be few reasons for demand in Japan to increase in the future. As such, the company plans to aggressively cater to demand overseas through its subsidiaries in China, Thailand and Indonesia. Elastomix’s subsidiary in Foshan, China, added a Banbury...

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Sumitomo Riko’s Hose Business Division Expecting Near Double-Digit Growth

Using demand through March 2015 as a baseline, Sumitomo Riko Co. Ltd. (TYO:5191) is, on a consolidated basis, anticipating close to double-digit revenue growth for 2016 with its industrial hose business. Going forward, this will be backed by overseas markets. Sumitomo Riko already has production bases in China and India, and it is expanding also into other regions, with particular...

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Brisk Auto Parts Business in China—Hokusay Rubber

New Year’s Top Interview—Increases in sales of automotive components in China have kept sales up at Hokusay Rubber Industry Co. Ltd., company President Shinichi Yoneya said in a recent interview with Japan Rubber Weekly.

A manufacturer of industrial rubber products in Japan’s Hokuriku area, Hokusay boasts strong business performance in the areas of automotive weather strip and construction gasket products.

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