Bando Chemical’s Nankai Plant in Sennan City, Osaka Prefecture, has over the past 10 years achieved a total of 12.5 million hours without a fatal accident or an accident resulting in one or more days of absence from work, and received a no accident record certificate from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW). MHLW awards a no-injury record...
Sumitomo Riko Wins Aichi Invention Grand Prize for Heat-Dissipating Sound-Absorbing Material
Sumitomo Riko received the Aichi Invention Grand Prize, the highest prize, for the first time in the 2024 Aichi Invention Award sponsored by the Aichi Institute of Invention and Innovation. The company was awarded for MIF, a heat-dissipating sound-absorbing material. The Aichi Invention Award has been held by the association since 1980 to honor outstanding inventors in Aichi Prefecture for...
Maxell Kureha to Raise Prices of All Products, Including Rubber Sheets
Maxell Kureha will raise the prices of all its products, including rubber sheets, by 5-20% from September 2, 2024. This will be the company’s first price revision since March 2023. The company said that, in addition to the successive increases in raw material prices, the main reasons for the price hikes are the sharp rise in electricity, gas, and other...
NOK Launches Global Matrix Structure
Oil seal manufacturer NOK has on June 26 launched a new global matrix structure, which combines two organizations, Business Function, a business axis, and Leading Function, a functional axis that connects 93 NOK group companies in Japan and overseas. The company will strengthen cooperation as Global One NOK and aim for further growth on a global scale. Under the new...
Fujikura Composites Announces Financial Results, Expects Profits to Increase Next Fiscal Year
On June 14, Fujikura Composites held an online financial results meeting for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024. For the period, net sales were down 7.1% year-on-year to 37.79 billion yen ($234.86 million), operating income was down 18.2% to 3.62 billion yen, ordinary income was down 24.2% to 3.90 billion yen, and net income was down 17.6% to 3.25...
Mitsuboshi Belting to Construct New Building at Nagoya Plant
Mitsuboshi Belting will construct a new four-story building at its Nagoya Plant in Komaki City, Aichi Prefecture, that will house both production lines and an automated warehouse distribution system. The investment will be approximately 6 billion yen ($37.43 million), with operations scheduled to begin in May 2026. The site area is set to be approximately 5,300 square meters and total...