
NOK Sets up New Sustainability Promotion Office

Oil seal manufacturer NOK has on June 28 integrated the Environmental Management Office, the ESG Promotion Office, and the Safety and Health Promotion Department of the Operations Division and reorganized them into the Sustainability Promotion Office. NOK established “Our Purpose” and “Our Values” in May, and in the same month formulated the “Medium-Term Management Plan” and “NOK Group Sustainability Basic...

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Toyoda Gosei Holds In-House Environmental Exhibition

Toyoda Gosei held an “Environmental Exhibition” from June 19-23 to share issues related to environmental preservation and case studies of its efforts within the firm. The company has set a goal of zero CO2 emissions by 2050 to achieve a carbon-neutral society. To promote company-wide activities, it has held an environmental exhibition every year since 2016, based on the recognition...

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SABIC Adds New Low-Viscosity, High-Fluidity, Highly Heat-Resistant Ultem Resin

Sabic has added the Ultem 2X20 grade, featuring low viscosity and high fluidity, to its lineup of high heat-resistant Ultem polyetherimide (PEI) resins. The newly added ULTEM 2120, 2220, and 2320 grades are reinforced grades filled with glass fibers that exhibit high flowability and high strength, and can be colored in custom colors. The glass-fiber reinforced grades are ideal molding...

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Bridgestone’s Chemicals and Diversified Products Businesses Raise Profitability in First Quarter

Bridgestone’s Chemicals & Diversified Products business achieved higher revenues in the first quarter (January-March) of fiscal 2023. In particular, the chemical products business, whose profitability has steadily been improving, and the diversified business in the Americas (pneumatic springs), which is expected to expand into EVs, are showing positive results. The key is seen to be rubber technology, which the company...

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Sumitomo Riko’s Full Year Sales up 24.2%, Automotive Supplies Strong

In its business results for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023 (IFRS basis), Sumitomo Riko posted sales of 541.01 billion yen ($3.92 billion), up 21.3% year-on-year; business profit of 17.87 billion yen, up 176.3%; and net income of 6.68 billion yen, compared with a loss of 6.35 billion yen in the previous year. By business segment, sales in the...

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NOK Posts Full Year Results, Sales up 4%

NOK reported net sales of 709.96 billion yen ($5.19 billion), up 4.0% year-on-year, operating income of 15.37 billion yen, down 50.9%, ordinary income of 26.55 billion yen, down 42.5%, and net income of 13.32 billion yen, down 48.4%, for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023. By segment, the sealing business posted sales of 347.06 billion yen, up 3.2%, and...

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