
JSR Announces 3Q Results, Decreased Sales and Profits in Elastomers

JSR Corp. (TYO:4185) announced its financial results for the first three quarters of the fiscal year ending March 2016 (April–December 2015). Net sales were down 4 percent to 294.5 billion yen ($2.52 billion), operating income down 3 percent to 29.5 billion yen and net income down 14 percent to 19.8 billion yen.

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JRMA’s IRSG Liaison Committee Takes On Range of Rubber Industry Issues

In 2015, the JRMA established a committee to study the impact that a current IRSG project aimed at sustainable development in the rubber industry is likely to have on its members. Now, the JRMA believes that in addition to liaising with the IRSG, the committee can deal in a wide range of areas covering raw materials as a whole.

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JRMA Chair Nagumo: Tech Innovation, Environmental Friendliness Are Key in 2016

As the domestic rubber market shrinks, Japan’s rubber manufacturers must step up their global operations, JRMA Chairman and Yokohama Rubber CEO Tadanobu Nagumo said in an interview with Japan Rubber Weekly. He is touting technological innovation and environmental responsiveness as key concepts for the industry, saying that without excelling in these areas, globalization will be prohibitively difficult.

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Rubber Union Demands 2% Wage Hike

The Japanese Rubber Workers Union Confederation has finalized its official spring 2016 policy to improve the living standards of its membership. The committee approved demands focusing on wages, lump-sum payments, measures to combat excessive work and other issues. With regard to improving wages, the union decided to demand a raise of around 2 percent.

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JHCA: Hose Assembly Sales Down 5% in 2015

The total value of hose assembly sales during 2015 was 62.562 billion yen, 5 percent less than the previous year, representing a turn to negative territory after an annual increase in 2014, according to the Japan Hose Coupling Association (JHCA). For December alone, overall sales were down more than 10 percent from December of the previous year.

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Resin Belt Production Sluggish

Resin belt production in 2015 was approximately 1.04 million square meters, on a par with the previous period. Demand was stable in the two main segments of food and distribution systems. By product segment, PVC showed a slight increase and polyurethane a slight decrease. All other products showed a double-digit increase.

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