
Japan Seismic Isolation Laboratory Launches Seismic Isolation Dynamic Performance Certification System

The Japan Seismic Isolation Laboratory has on July 1 launched a Dynamic Performance Certification System for Seismic Isolation, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) said. This system evaluates the performance of seismic isolation devices using a full-scale seismic isolation tester (E-Isolation), which boasts the world’s top-class accuracy, and is expected to further enhance the reliability of seismic...

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Tokyo Zairyo Posts FY2023 Results, Ordinary Income Down 3%

Tokyo Zairyo’s business results for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024, showed sales of 51.85 billion yen ($322.24 million), down 4.1% from the previous year; ordinary income of 2.49 billion yen, down 3.2%; and net income of 1.80 billion yen, down 5.4%. In an environment of global recession concerns, geopolitical risks, and a shift to electrification in the automotive...

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Fujikura Composites Announces Financial Results, Expects Profits to Increase Next Fiscal Year

On June 14, Fujikura Composites held an online financial results meeting for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024. For the period, net sales were down 7.1% year-on-year to 37.79 billion yen ($234.86 million), operating income was down 18.2% to 3.62 billion yen, ordinary income was down 24.2% to 3.90 billion yen, and net income was down 17.6% to 3.25...

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Sumitomo Rubber to Start Offering Tire Pressure and Temperature Management Service for Trucks

Sumitomo Rubber will begin offering its Tire Pressure and Temperature Management Service, which monitors tire pressure and temperature for trucks and alerts users of abnormalities, at Dunlop truck tire dealers from July 8. The service combines a TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitoring System) with four types of tools tailored to user needs to utilize tire pressure and temperature information from installed...

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Togawa Industry to Raise Prices of All Resin Hoses and Other Products Effective July 21

Togawa Industry will raise the prices of all of its products, including plastic hoses, beginning with deliveries on July 21. Prices for general-purpose catalog products will be increased by 20% or more for PVC tubing and pressure-resistant and non-PVC pressure-resistant products, and by 10% or more for drain hoses and other products. The company said, “Since the price revisions were...

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Special Report: Synthetic Rubber Faces Increasingly Severe Environment

Although there are variations by region, manufacturer, and product type, demand for synthetic rubber is increasing amid a general recovery trend in automobile and tire production. Yet in spite of these signs of a turnaround in demand, which had been declining due to inventory adjustments by auto parts manufacturers in the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic, the environment surrounding synthetic...

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