
Resonac Reports Higher Sales, Profits: FY Results

Resonac reported sales of 1.39 trillion yen ($9.31 billion), up 7.8% from the previous year, operating income of 78.75 billion yen (compared with a loss of 3,76 billion yen in the previous year), ordinary income of 69.69 billion yen (compared with a loss of 14.77 billion yen), and net income of 55.42 billion yen (compared with a loss of 18.96...

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Kuraray Says Isoprene Sales Up in Fiscal 2024: Financial Results

Kuraray reported net sales of 826.90 billion yen ($5.53 billion) for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2024, up 5.9% from the previous year; operating income of 85.08 billion yen, up 12.7%; ordinary income of 81.48 billion yen, up 18.0%; and net income of 31.72 billion yen, down 25.3%. Sales reached a record high. The isoprene segment posted sales of...

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Tokai Carbon Posts FY Results, Carbon Black Sales and Profits Up

Tokai Carbon reported a 3.8% year-on-year decline in sales to 350.12 billion yen ($2.34 billion), a 49.9% drop in operating income to 19.39 billion yen, a 45.7% drop in ordinary income to 22.58 billion yen, and a net loss of 56.73 billion yen for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2024. The net loss followed a net income of 25.47...

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Denka Launches Snecton Low Dielectric Organic Insulating Resin

Denka has launched Snecton, a low-dielectric organic insulating resin with electrical characteristics required of materials to reduce electrical signal loss in next-generation high-speed communications beyond 5G and 6G. In addition to the sales launch for copper clad laminates (CCL) of various high-speed telecommunications equipment, the product is now being considered for flexible copper clad laminates (FCCL) and various interlayer insulation...

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Kuraray to End Production of Kurarity Acrylic Block Copolymer

Kuraray will discontinue production and sales of the acrylic block copolymer Kurarity at the end of June 2026. Since its commercialization in 2012, the business environment has remained severe. The company has determined that it will be difficult to secure earnings that will allow it to continue its business in the future and to continue stable production....

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Kuraray Raises Prices of Septon and Other Products Globally

Kuraray has raised prices globally for hydrogenated styrenic thermoplastic elastomers Septon, Hybrar, and TU-Polymer, effective for shipments on February 1. The price increase is $0.33 per kilogram. Regarding the price increase, the company said, “In addition to the price of key raw materials, the increase in various costs, including utility and logistics costs and repair costs, is beyond the scope...

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