Market Background

Toyoda Gosei Aims to Promote Female Workers, Holds Management Conference

Toyoda Gosei Co. Ltd. (TYO:7282) held a conference for managers to raise their awareness of promoting the advancement of female workers and help them recognize the necessity of organized efforts. The conference was part of an initiative launched in 2015, which aims to change the management’s mindset and action. Under the theme of the “management that promotes advancement of female...

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Japan’s Rubber Unions Outline 2016 Campaign Policies at Annual Convention

The Japanese Rubber Workers Union Confederation (JRWUC) recently held its 2016 convention, where it announced its campaign policies. These included a reinforcement of its organization, such as the enhancement of industry-wide organizational functions, organizational stability and expansion and publicity campaigns with educational information. Also presented were employment and lifestyle protection initiatives, including those for job security, the enhancement of labor–management...

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Rubber Conveyor Belt Sales Down 45% in Big Steel Industry Over January–June

As announced by the Japan Belting Manufacturers Association, sales for rubber and resin conveyor belts over January–June saw a decrease in demand for rubber conveyor belts used in their primary space of big steel. Sales to blast furnace manufacturers were down 1 percent year-on-year. Meanwhile, sales to companies involved in big steel were down 45 percent, which was the highest...

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Production of Passenger Car Tires Down 1.5% in July

Production of automobile tires and tire tubes dropped 2.4 percent year-on-year in July, to a total of 91,442 tons, according to the Japan Automobile Tyre Manufacturers Association (JATMA). Production volume has fallen year-on-year for 20 straight months, but the number of units produced rose 0.3% year-on-year in July. Year-on-year production fell for all tire types other than industrial vehicle tires....

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Rubber Hose Production Down 3.4% in First Half, Falls Below 17,000 Tons

According to figures compiled by the Japan Rubber Hose Manufacturers Association, production of rubber hoses for the first half of 2016 (January-June) fell 3.4 percent over the previous year to 16,968 tons, calculated according to the volume of new rubber produced. The value of rubber hoses shipped over the same period was down 2.6 percent year-on-year to 66.063 billion yen...

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CEMA Forecasts 1.855 Trillion Yen in Shipment Value of Construction Equipment for Fiscal 2017

Shipment values of construction equipment are forecast at 1.855 trillion yen ($18.283 billion) in fiscal 2017, on a par with the previous year, according to the Japan Construction Equipment Manufacturers Association (CEMA). This includes a forecast 822 billion yen in the domestic market, up 2 percent year-on-year, the first rise in two years. The forecast for exports is 1.033 trillion...

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