Market Background

Driven by Tires, Japan’s Carbon Black Shipments Rise for February

Shipment volume of carbon black in February was up 2.3 percent to 46,531 tons from the same period last year, according to data compiled by the Japanese Carbon Black Association. It marks the second consecutive month of a year-on-year increase this year. Of carbon black used for rubber, shipments for tire purposes increased 6.3 percent, and shipments for general rubber...

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Shipment Value of Rubber Goods Declines 1.4 Percent in January

According to rubber production and shipment figures released by the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), the shipment value of rubber goods for January 2017 was 157.8 billion yen ($1.42 billion). The figure shows a year-on-year decrease of 1.4 percent and a negative turnaround following an increase in December 2016. The production volume of automotive tires was down...

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CEMA Finds 2017 Demand for Construction Machinery Stagnant in Japan but Increasing Abroad

Shipment values of construction machinery are forecast at 1.879 trillion yen ($16.575 billion) for the fiscal year ending March 2018, on a par with the previous year, according to the Japan Construction Equipment Manufacturers Association (CEMA). This projection is based on a January 2017 survey of CEMA’s 68 member companies. CEMA Chairman and President of Hitachi Construction Machinery Co. Ltd....

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Japan’s Automobile Production Falls 0.8% for 2016

Japanese automotive manufacturers produced a total of 9.204696 million vehicles over January–December 2016, according to the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA). This represents a 0.8-percent year-on-year decline, the second decrease in the last two years. By automobile type, passenger vehicles moved into a positive from a year-on-year negative for 2014–2015, with 7.873886 million vehicles produced for a 0.6-percent increase in...

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Hose Assembly Sales Down 3% for 2016, Industrial and Plastic Hoses Recovering

Sales of hose assemblies fell 3 percent year-on-year to 60.985 billion yen ($53.48 million) for January–December 2016, according to the Japan Hose Coupling Association (JHCA). It marks a regression to the negative after a 5-percent year-on-year increase in 2015. By category, the distribution ratio of industrial rubber hoses was at 67.7 percent; automotive rubber hoses, 15.2 percent; and plastic hoses,...

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Construction Machinery High-Pressure Hoses Ride Upward Momentum in Demand

Demand is bouncing back for high-pressure hoses used in construction machinery and machine tools, coming against a backdrop of increased demand for construction machinery. According to machinery order statistics released by the Cabinet Office of Japan, orders have been up for five consecutive months, running back to August 2016. The other major source of demand, machine tools, remains in contrastingly...

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