Japan Rubber Weekly recently sent a survey regarding current economic conditions to 156 domestic manufacturers of rubber and plastic products. Responses were received from 102 of these companies, helping to quantify expectations for the industry’s economic outlook. In an earlier survey conducted this January, the major concern was sluggish performance in demand industries on account of the U.S.–China trade war,...
METI Sheds Light on Japan’s Withdrawal From IRSG
As previously reported, Japan left the International Rubber Study Group (IRSG) on June 30. Responding to a comment request from Japan Rubber Weekly, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) explained the withdrawal by stating that while Japan recognizes the importance of the IRSG’s activities, the government determined that its own participation in the group was not strictly essential....
JSSI Study Finds Japan to Have 4,755 Large Earthquake-Resistant Buildings
The Japan Society for Seismic Isolation (JSSI) recently revealed the results of an annual study into the number of earthquake-resistant buildings in Japan. This came as part of an overview of the society’s activities for fiscal 2020. According to the results of the study, Japan has 4,755 large buildings with seismic isolation technology as of the end of 2018, with...
Japan Leaves IRSG
Japan recently withdrew from the International Rubber Study Group (IRSG), leaving the organization on June 30. The IRSG is formed of governments with full membership and industry-related companies with associate memberships. Established in 1944, the organization serves to provide a forum for exchanges of views regarding various rubber-related issues, particularly trends in the production and consumption of natural and synthetic...
Bridgestone Europe Works With Microsoft to Develop World-First Tire Monitoring System
Bridgestone Europe NV/SA, a group company under Bridgestone Corp. (TYO:5108), recently announced that it has collaborated with Microsoft Corp. to develop a world-first monitoring system that is able to detect tire damage while in motion. This system comes as a proprietary technology that makes use of the Microsoft Connected Vehicle Platform (MCVP). It is able to recognize in real time...
Bridgestone Acquires iTrack Solutions Business from UK Tire Management Firm Transense
Bridgestone Corp. (TYO:5108) announced on June 25 that it has finished acquiring the iTrack Solutions Business of U.K.-based company Transense Technologies PLC. Transense’s iTrack Solutions Business provides mining companies with solutions that contribute to both tire maintenance as well as the optimization of vehicle operations. Through this, the business has built up an excellent reputation for itself over the years....