Market Background

JRW Survey: Majority of Rubber Manufacturers Pessimistic About Economic Recovery

In a recent survey conducted over the first half of July, Japan Rubber Weekly (JRW) spoke to management executives from 171 manufacturers of tires, industrial rubber and resin products about their respective business conditions and financial outlooks. JRW received responses from 121 companies, 70 percent of those surveyed. Asked about the current market state of their respective industries compared to...

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JATMA Mid-year Review: Automobile Tire Demand to Decrease Slightly in 2016

Demand for automobile tires in Japan is expected to decrease for a second consecutive year, according to the mid-year review of domestic tire demand for 2016 published by the Japan Automobile Tire Manufacturers Association (JATMA) on July 21. The review places gross demand for tires including those for special and two-wheeled vehicles at 117.366 million units, a decline of 1.837...

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JATMA Posts “Tyre Industry of Japan 2016” on Official Website

The Japan Automobile Tyre Manufacturers Association (JATMA) has published the 2016 edition of “Tyre Industry of Japan.” It is available for free download as a PDF file on JATMA’s official website in English here. In addition to containing multiple reference data – including figures, tables and graphs – the document features an overview of JATMA, its member organizations, a brief history...

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Rubber Hose Production and Shipping Down for May, Declining Two Months in a Row

Combined rubber hose production (new rubber) for May was 2,446 tons, a 6.6 percent decrease over previous years, while shipping revenue for the month dropped 2.6 percent to 9.8 billion yen ($96 million), according to records collated by the Japan Rubber Hose Manufacturers Association based on statistics from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). Both production and shipping...

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Japan’s ISO/TC 45 Committee Celebrates 20th Anniversary, Gaining Sway at International Conferences

This May marked the 20th anniversary of the Japan Rubber Manufacturers Association’s ISO/TC 45 Domestic Technical Committee, which oversees the setting of ISO (International Organization for Standardization) standards for rubber and rubber products. The committee has done considerable work behind-the-scenes, including approving and revising ISO and JIS (Japanese Industrial Standards) standards that apply to the rubber industry and representing Japan...

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Society of Rubber Science and Technology Japan to Hold Symposium Celebrating 100th Anniversary of Banbury Mixer

The Society of Rubber Science and Technology Japan (SRIJ) will hold a rubber technology symposium to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Banbury Mixer, a kneader that is fundamental to the rubber manufacturing industry. The symposium, on the theme of “How rubber kneading has changed with the advent of the Banbury Mixer,” will be held Sept. 1–2 at the Tokyo...

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